How to get to Camping les Bonnets
Camping LES BONNETS *** is located in the Hautes Alpes (05) department in the village of NEFFES, near the town of GAP (7km) and TALLARD (6km).
Les Bonnets campsite is located below the village of Neffes.
Coming from the North, from Grenoble, 2 possibilities:
– Take direction SISTERON / GAP by the RN75, then pass the “Col de la Croix Haute”, 3.5km after the village of “La Faurie” take the D994 direction GAP (recommended route)
– Take the direction of GAP by RN85 (Route Napoléon by the “Col Bayard”), then take the direction Route de Marseille.
On leaving Gap, turn right on RD 47 towards NEFFES / Route de Saint Jean. Continue on the RD46 Route de Neffes (tourist route).
Coming from the South:
– A51 motorway (La Saulce exit), at the roundabout turn right RN 85 towards Tallard. After having passed Tallard and its aerodrome, 1km later, turn left on RD 46 towards NEFFES.
Coming from GAP:
– Take the direction Route de Marseille RN 85, then 50m after the barred GAP exit sign, turn right on RD 47 towards NEFFES / Route de Saint Jean. Continue on the RD46 Route de Neffes
GPS coordinates
Latitude 44.4990 – Longitude 6.0288
750 m
Nearest shops
TALLARD at 8 min / 6 km
Nearest station
Nearest lake
Pelleautier 4km
Serre-Ponçon lake 35km
Nearest river 100m
Nearest airport
Marseille –Marignane
Our opening hours
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Comment nous contacter ?
By phone:
+33 (0)4 92 57 93 89
By email :
Via our Contact page